Hello Everyone!!
Its another pday!! Time seems to be going by faster and faster. One week from now is transfers. Im counting down the days till Jordan enters the MTC!! Im so excited for him. But all is well here, same stuff as usual. I didnt hear about anyone dieing on Halloween so thats good. We have been doing a lot of service the past week and its a lot of fun. Yesterday we cut down a pana tree and we started a coconut tree but we didnt have enough time. We also destroyed a wall at the Mendozas house (the family we baptised) They have been redoing their house and so we have been helping them a lot. But Thanksgiving should be fun, ( it is an american holiday mom, but Puerto Rico is part of the U.S.) Im pretty sure they do the traditional thanksgiving dinner, but probably puertorican style. So there will be a side of arroz y habichuelas and tostones and some other creations. ha ha. And it seems like the whole ward wants us to come to their houses and eat so it should be great. No, i havnt gotten food poisoning yet, but i have gotten used to having diareha, ha ha. So, we have been teaching a few people but they keep falling, so we dont have anything secure right now. Its been really interesting hearing about all the different religions lately. Its pretty funny too. Ive heard a lot about the Jehova's Witnesses, and have talked to a few. Its a really depressing religion. ha ha. We talked to a guy recently that read about the church and wanted to know more so he contacted us and we taught him and gave him a Book of Mormon and then he dissapeared. So that was a drag, we thought he was golden. Oh and a few days ago our house got flooded from the rain one day and our living room and kitchen were full of water, so we spent like an hour sweeping it all out. Its fine now though. But thats pretty much it in my world. Keep the emails and letters and stuff coming, by the way i havent gotten the package yet. Heres some pictures. I love you all so much!!-Elder Bailey
A picture of service, we destroyed that wall, and a really really short video, sorry its the only one i can send but it would be a cool picture if it was one. Hno. Mendoza is in the background cutting down a tree and its basically just me and my companion standing there. ha ha.
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