Monday, March 29, 2010

The drunk man we met...

Dont have much time, dont know why, but they only gave me 20 minutes. Everything is good here, i wont get the shoes until 23rd of april, thats when zone conference is. Heres a story for ya, we went to go buy a drink yesterday at a store when we went back outside there was a guy who i started talking to, aparently drunk. We started talking about a bunch of stuff and he was like, "I smoke marijuana." And he like kept saying it and my companion is like, "I believe you." And he was like i dont shoot chemicals or anything, i smoke marijuana. and we just kept saying we believe you! It was funny. There was another time when we were talking to this one lady, and she was telling us all this stuff and then she's like, "and im losing my mom." Then my companion was like, "we know where your mom is." (Its times like these when i just cover my eyes or just look away until the awkwardness of the situation wears off) Then she's like, "Oh, you do!" (sarcastic). Then afterwards im like, "elder, her mom wasnt dead, she said she was losing her mom!" Its so funny, stuff like that happens all the time with him. My weight is fine, i actually think ive gained a little muscle, doing push ups and situps every morning (except sunday). Well, everything is good with me, keep the emails coming, and ill be sending my bracket to yall!
-Elder Bailey