Monday, October 12, 2009

Yo tengo fotos!

The Dad was baptized 1st then he was able to baptize his family later.

This is what Tyson learned to cook and makes everyday for lunch

Hey everyone!!
Finally got some pictures, just a few but i will have more next time because we are going to Sizzlers and the Bowlera today! One picture is of the family that we baptized the father got to baptize the rest of the family. They have been doing great so far. Then the other picture is of pretty much what i cook every day. Arroz, habechuelas, y pescado frito. We eat that like everyday for lunch. So this past week was great we are starting to get more appointments and we have a new bapismal date. So one day we were driving and theres usally like one day a week when we have a lightning storm, so it was one of those days and we were driving and we saw a huge lightning bolt like a half a mile away from us or closer and then we felt this huge shock wave it was so cool. Oh and something funny thats been happening is when my companion is saying the morning prayer we will be praying and then i hear a long pause and im like elder wake up. And hes like oh did i fall a sleep again, dang it! It is funny, ha ha. So thats pretty much it for this week. i might need some more money in my personal account i had to use some of it for glasses and stuff. Well this transfer is almost over! It will be interesting to see if i leave or go this time. Well i cant wait to hear back from yall, tell everyone i love them and keep encouraging Brandon to serve a mission! I love u guys!!
-Elder Bailey